JP1 Device Lookup Tool Overview

This tool is to help you find built in setup codes on your JP1 remotes. The information you find here may give you generic control over your equipment or provide a basis to start an upgrade.

The best source of information for your equipment are the user files that have been submitted in the file section of the JP1 Forums or the Pronto files submitted to The user files are usually more complete than a generic upgrades found with the searches found here.

Use the by Brand Search to find codes by manufacturer.

Use the by Protocol Search if you have protocol device information from learned signals, device upgrades, or manufacturer's information.

Use the by Setup Code Search if you need the to know what protocol your current setup is using.

Interpreting the Results

Access Method:
With each search you'll find a column called Access Method. If n/a is in the column, it indicates that the setup code is not found in the target remote. The access method is paired with the 4-digit setup code to find the correct 4 digit setup code. There may be up to 4 different setup codes in your remote, that have the same 4 digit identifier but will have different access methods. If the setup code is a resident code, the access method column might specify the prefix digit for 5 digit remotes, the prefix letter for slingbox, the associated device key for the typical remote, or the selectable device type for LCD remotes.

Sample access methods

  n/a Code is not in the remote.  
  [AUD] Code is associated with the [Aud] device button.  
  [CBL]:[SAT] Code is associated with both the [CBL] and [SAT] buttons.  
  [2] Remote uses 5 digit codes, so 2 would proceed the code.  

Note: If you find an error in the access method, post a note in the forum so it can be corrected.

If there are other setup codes in the remote that use the same protocol executor (PID) with the same fixed data, an ALT link will be provided. The ALT link will show any other similar setup codes that can be used for keymoves. Note this feature only looks for upgrades that use the same fixed device data. There may also be combo codes that you can use in a pinch.

The EFC's link will give you suggestions for EFC's to make an upgrade. These codes were gathered from many remotes manufactured years apart. You may need to do some experimenting to find which codes make sense for your device.

Remote Link:
The Remote link will check to see which remotes have the desired device setup code built in.


What is an EFC?

EFC stands for Extended Function Code.

With newbies, there seems to be a lot of confusion between setup codes and EFC’s, especially on the remotes that use 5 digit EFC’s and 5 digit Setup codes.

A setup code is a reference to the remote's internal library of codes. A booklet or pamphlet came with your remote listing the available setup codes in the remotes library. The EFC’s, on the other hand, are codes that translate to one function within the setup code such as the number 1 or the volume up. The setup code decides which protocol executor will be used, and passes the fixed data to that protocol executor, the rest of the data comes from the EFC.

Remotes manufactured by Universal Electronics Inc. (UEI) do a very good job of generic coverage of most brand name equipment. However if you need functionality that is not included in the generic setup, UEI has provided a way to supplement these codes using EFC’s. EFC’s can be entered through the remotes numeric keypad, and they can be assigned to a remote button (keymoved) for regular use. A keymove is easy to setup with our software and cables, but it can also be created via a 994-command from the remotes keypad. See Manual Programming - 9xx Commands in the JP1 wiki, to see how to setup keymoves without the benefit of a cable.

EFC's will only work with remotes manufactured by UEI. The remote must contain a setup code that has the same protocol executor (PID) and the same fixed data. If the setup code is not present in your remote, check for a link in the ALT column for alternate setup codes that can be used to format the signal. If the setup code is not in the target remote, and no ALT link is shown, the chances of being able to send the signal without uploading a device upgrade to the remote are slim. However some expert users may still be able to spot protocols that can be used to send the same signal with a different EFC. In that case, a tool like Keymap-Master (KM) or RemoteMaster (RM) can be used to find the OBC from one EFC and convert the OBC into a new EFC for use with a different setup code.

In order to utilize EFC’s without an upgrade, the remote needs to be a UEI remote capable of doing keymoves and the remote must have a setup code that properly formats a signal according to the specific protocol rules. If you have a cable or a modem upgradable remote, you can simply add the upgrade with the JP1 tools.

Most UEI remotes can do keymoves even if they are not JP1 remotes. The newer flash remotes use 5 digit EFC’s, which provide more functionality. Older UEI remotes, can only use 3 digit EFC’s. Near the end of the JP1 EEPROM era, around 2005, 5 digit EFC’s were introduced. During the transition from 3 to 5 digit EFCs, a few remotes that we know of were not able to use EFC style keymoves at all. A few others had a problem with EFCs greater than 65535 before UEI perfected the 5 digit EFC routines. If you have an older 3-digit-EFC remote, you will not be able to use the 5 digit EFC directly, but using the JP1 tools you may be able to find a simpler protocol which may send the same signal using 3 digit EFC's. If your remote uses 5 digit codes, you must pad any 3 digit EFC's found here, with leading zeros (00).

You can send the EFC directly from the keypad or assign it to a specific button via a keymove. To send an EFC directly from the keypad, first you must have assigned the setup code to a device button and that device button must have been the most recent device selected. A short press of the setup key, followed by the EFC will send the signal. Depending on the remote, the setup key may be labeled SET; SETUP; P; or MAGIC. Of course typing in an EFC all the time isn't very convenient for commonly used functions. So the normal thing to do is to create a keymove with that EFC for ease of use. The keymove remembers the setup code that was in use when it was created. So if you change setup codes, the keymoves will still reference the setup code that was in use when the 994-keymove command was performed. This can be very useful if you need to combine different types of signals, but you also need to remember to delete those keymoves if you switch out your equipment. Keymoves can be assigned to most buttons on the remote. Most remotes also support keymoves on shifted keys. A shifted key can be be accessed with a short press of setup key prior to pressing the key. If you assign the EFC to a shifted numeric key (0-9), you must press the setup key twice before pressing the number key to send the signal, otherwise the remote thinks you are trying to send an EFC.